Parchmore Road, Croydon, London
The site is a corner plot along Parchmore Road previously occupied by garages in poor condition and a surface car park. This scheme delivers 7no. apartments and 2no. houses in a sustainable location enhancing this corner plot seen by many people everyday.
The design team considered the most appropriate ways of introducing a contemporary apartment building and houses onto the site. The north-eastern most part of the proposal, closest to No. 2 Fountain Road, has been designed as a continuation of the established alignment, height, and roof plane of Fountain Road. The aim is to deliver as many units as possible whilst reconciling the townscape context including making the most of the corner while stepping down to relate to the houses of Fountain Road. All 7 of the apartments are allocated private outdoor amenity areas, while the 2no. houses have been provided rear gardens.
This scheme has been granted planning approval, started on site Autumn 2019, and was completed at the end of 2021.
Completed photos by Alessio La Ruffa